The Enigmatic Spoon~painting by Clive Wilkins
This entry was posted in CHINA UK DEVELOPMENT CENTRE, Clive Wilkins, Clive WILKINS AUTHOR, Clive Wilkins author and writer, Clive Wilkins Magician, CUDC, Department of Psychology, Nicky Clayton, Nicky Clayton Artist in residence. Rambert, Prof. Clive Wilkins, Prof. Nicky Clayton, Prof. Nicola Clayton, Professor Clive Wilkins, The Captured Thought, The Moustachio Quartet, The Royal Society, The Royal Society of Edinburgh, The Science of Magic, Uncategorized, University of Cambridge, Uppingham and tagged Cambridge University, Clare College Cambridge, Clive Wilkins, Nicky Clayton, Nicky Clayton Clive Wilkins, The Royal Society. Bookmark the permalink.