Posted in Prof. Clive Wilkins, Prof. Nicky Clayton, Prof. Nicola Clayton, Professor Clive Wilkins, Professor Nicky Clayton, The Captured Thought, The Lost Library of Miraculous Metaphors & other short stories, The Moustachio Quartet, The Royal Society, University of Cambridge Tagged Clive Wilkins, Dept. of Psychology University of Cambridge, Hay Festival 2015, Moustachio Quartet, Nicky Clayton, The Captured Thought, The Royal Society, WIND on the WIRE Publishing
Posted in Clive Wilkins, Department of Psychology, Dr. Ruigang Michael Zhou, Prof. Clive Wilkins, Prof. Nicky Clayton, Professor Clive Wilkins, Professor Nicky Clayton, The Captured Thought, The Moustachio Quartet, The Royal Society, University of Cambridge, Uppingham Tagged Cambridge University Festival of Ideas, Clive Wilkins, Dept. of Psychology University of Cambridge, Nicky Clayton, Professor Clive Wilkins, Professor Nicky Clayton, The Captured Thought, WIND on the WIRE Publishing
Mental Time Travel and the Moustachio Quartet Nicola Clayton, Clive Wilkins, 28/04/2016 3.30 PM, Link3 Mental time travel allows us to re-visit our memories and imagine future scenarios~ that’s why memories are not only about the past, they are also prospective. … Continue reading
Posted in Artiscience, Cambridge, Clare College, Clive Wilkins, Department of Psychology, Prof. Nicky Clayton, The Moustachio Quartet, The Royal Society of Edinburgh, Uncategorized, University of Cambridge, Uppingham, Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust Tagged Clare College Cambridge, Clive Wilkins, Dept. of Psychology University of Cambridge, Moustachio Quartet, Nicky Clayton, The Captured Thought, Uppingham Rutland, WIND on the WIRE Publishing
From left to right. Sir Prof. Colin Blakemore F.R.S., Prof. John O’Keefe, Nobel Laureate F.R.S., Prof. Barry Smith, Prof. Anil Seth, Clive Wilkins Artist in Residence, Prof. Nicky Clayton F.R.S., and Prof. Richard Morris F.R.S. Clive Wilkins and Nicky Clayton … Continue reading
Posted in Artiscience, ASCUS, Cambridge, Clare College, Clive Wilkins, Department of Psychology, Edinburgh Neuroscience, Prof. Nicky Clayton, The Moustachio Quartet, The Royal Society, Uncategorized, University of Cambridge, Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust Tagged Clare College Cambridge, Clive Wilkins, Dept. of Psychology University of Cambridge, Moustachio Quartet, Nicky Clayton, The Captured Thought, The Royal Society, WIND on the WIRE Publishing
Posted in Artiscience, ASCUS, Cambridge Literary Festival, Clive Wilkins, Denis Peli, James Howie, Oxford University, Prof. Nicky Clayton, The Moustachio Quartet, The Royal Society of Edinburgh, Tresham Institute, Uncategorized, University of Cambridge, Uppingham, Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust Tagged Cambridge Literary Festival, Cambridge University Festival of Ideas, Clare College Cambridge, Clive Wilkins, Dept. of Psychology University of Cambridge, Edinburgh Neuroscience, Moustachio Quartet, Nicky Clayton, TEDx Oxbridge, The British Library, Tresham Institute, Uppingham Rutland, Wellcome Trust, WIND on the WIRE Publishing
The Art and Science of the Brain was explored in three lectures during the course of an exciting evening with Nicky and Clive giving a performance called MEMORY AS A SUBJECTIVE SHARED EXPERIENCE, a dynamic duo act that included tango, … Continue reading
Posted in Cambridge, Cambridge Literary Festival, Cambridge University Festival of Ideas, Cambridge University Science Festival, Clare College, Clive Wilkins, Department of Psychology, Prof. Nicky Clayton, The Moustachio Quartet, Tresham Institute, Uncategorized, University of Cambridge, Uppingham, WQEIC Tagged Cambridge Literary Festival, Cambridge University Festival of Ideas, Clare College Cambridge, Clive Wilkins, Moustachio Quartet, Nicky Clayton, WIND on the WIRE Publishing
Nicky Clayton and Clive Wilkins of The Captured Thought, along with Prof. Murray Shanahan, Imperial College, London [and scientific adviser to the film Ex Machina] have been experiencing the Mist Room in the ‘State of Mind’ exhibition at the Wellcome Collection. … Continue reading
Posted in Cambridge, Cambridge Literary Festival, Cambridge University Festival of Ideas, Cambridge University Science Festival, Clare College, Clive Wilkins, Department of Psychology, Ex Machina, Murray Shanahan, Oxford University, Prof. Nicky Clayton, Simon Thorpe, The Moustachio Quartet, The Royal Society, The Royal Society of Edinburgh, Tresham Institute, Uncategorized, University of Cambridge, Uppingham, Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust, WQEIC Tagged Cambridge Literary Festival, Cambridge University Festival of Ideas, Clare College Cambridge, Ex Machina, Murray Shanahan, The British Library, The Royal Society, Tresham Institute, Uppingham Rutland, Wellcome Collection, Wellcome Trust, WIND on the WIRE Publishing
Posted in BBC Radio 3, Cambridge, Cambridge Literary Festival, Cambridge University Festival of Ideas, Cambridge University Science Festival, Clare College, Clive Wilkins, Department of Psychology, Oxford University, Prof. Nicky Clayton, The Moustachio Quartet, The Royal Society, The Royal Society of Edinburgh, Tresham Institute, Uncategorized, University of Cambridge, Uppingham, WQEIC Tagged Cambridge Literary Festival, Cambridge University Festival of Ideas, Dept. of Psychology University of Cambridge, Nicky Clayton, The British Library, WIND on the WIRE Publishing
British Library Annual Science Event~ Memory Matters. October 30th 2015 British Library. 7.00-9.30pm. Nicky Clayton and Clive Wilkins will discuss memory as a shared subjective experience using evidences from science and the arts to explore the complex relationship between memory … Continue reading
Posted in Cambridge, Cambridge Literary Festival, Cambridge University Festival of Ideas, Cambridge University Science Festival, Clare College, Clive Wilkins, Department of Psychology, Oxford University, Prof. Nicky Clayton, The Moustachio Quartet, The Royal Society, The Royal Society of Edinburgh, Uncategorized, University of Cambridge, Uppingham Tagged Cambridge Literary Festival, Cambridge University Festival of Ideas, Cambridge University Science Festival, Clare College Cambridge, Clive Wilkins, Dept. of Psychology University of Cambridge, Queen Mary, The Captured Thought, The Royal Society, Tresham College, Tresham Institute, Uppingham Rutland, WIND on the WIRE Publishing, Wyggeston & Queen Elizabeth 1 College
Posted in BBC Radio 3, Cambridge Literary Festival, Cambridge University Festival of Ideas, Cambridge University Science Festival, Clare College, Clive Wilkins, Department of Psychology, Oxford University, Prof. Nicky Clayton, The Moustachio Quartet, The Royal Society, The Royal Society of Edinburgh, Tresham Institute, University of Cambridge, Uppingham, WQEIC Tagged BBC Radio 3, Cambridge University Festival of Ideas, Cambridge University Science Festival, Clare College Cambridge, Clive Wilkins, Dept. of Psychology University of Cambridge, Moustachio Quartet, Nicky Clayton, The British Library, The Captured Thought, The Royal Society, Tresham Institute, Uppingham, Uppingham Rutland, WIND on the WIRE Publishing, Wyggeston & Queen Elizabeth 1 College